Fuchs Dystrophy

Fuchs dystrophy is a genetic disease of the cornea. It is when cells in the corneal layer called the endothelium gradually die off. The endothelium keeps the cornea clear for good vision by pumping out excess fluid. This disease affects 4% of US adults over 40, more women than men, and it affects both eyes, causes a gradual decline in vision due to corneal edema (swelling) and clouding. Ultimately it causes loss of vision. Fuchs has two stages each with different symptoms Stage 1: Poor vision upon awakening that may improve later in the day because the fluids build up while you sleep then dry out while awake. Stage two: your vision remains blurry for several hours or doesn’t clear up at all. Other symptoms include:

  • Glare
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Eye pain
  • Foggy or blurred vision
  • Seeing colored halos around lights
  • Difficulty seeing at night
  • The feeling that something is in your eye such as a foreign body.

Your doctor may first noticed the disease during a routine eye exam using a slit lamp (A microscope with a high intensity light) this allows the doctor to see the inner most layer of the cornea. Seeing the small bumps on the cornea are a telltale sign of Fuchs. Video: https://bit.ly/2ZObkFM   www.webmd.com www.aao.org www.hopkinsmedicine.org www.cornea.org www.allaboutvision.com


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