September Is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

Childhoodcancer awareness

The title says it all awareness is the key to catching and defeating childhood cancer.

Parents need to be aware of changes in their children. You may remember earlier this year I posted the story of an Illinois mother who took a cellphone photo of her son, that photo proved to be a life-saving photo. It was her awareness that caused her to seek the help of Doctors to check into this odd photo flash phenomenon of white pupils in the photo. Doctors told the mother and her husband that 75% of their son’s eye was covered in tumors. He was diagnosed with retinoblastoma, a rare cancer that develops in the retina. “Our lives went from normal to cancer, to a cancer survivor in three weeks. It turned out to be our worst nightmare but it saved our son’s life.”
So be aware it could be the difference in your child being a cancer survivor or another statistic.


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