Types of Eye Tests

Eye tests are one of the main parts of an examination. There are several tests included in a comprehensive eye exam. Each one evaluates different aspects of vision and eye health. Visual acuity test is a test that checks your vision. Your “visual acuity” is the medical term for how well you can see.

• Visual refraction- an eye exam that measures a person’s prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses. Normal vision occurs when light is focused directly on the retina rather than in front or behind it.
• Visual field test this test measures how much you can see out of the corners of your eyes. It can determine if you have blind spots in your visual field. If you have blind spots (called scotoma) in your vision, then this test will track where they are.
• Slit-Lamp test- A slit lamp is a special microscope with a bright light attached to it. Your eye care specialist will use it to look at the different parts of your eyes. They’ll adjust the light to see into and through the layers of your eyes. They’ll check the overall health of your eyes and diagnose any issues or symptoms you’re having.
• Tonometry- is a diagnostic test that measures your intraocular pressure (IOP), or the pressure inside your eye. Tonometry can help your healthcare provider figure out if you’re at risk for glaucoma.
• Corneal Topography- is an eye test that charts the landscape of your cornea. It’s quick and painless, and nothing touches your eye. The test produces a series of color-coded maps that your provider uses to diagnose and manage various eye conditions. Corneal topography is essential to pre-operative planning for LASIK and other surgeries.
• Ophthalmoscopy-is a test that allows your eye doctor, to look at the back of your eye called the fundus.

More testing may be needed based on the results of the earlier tests to confirm or rule out possible problems, to clarify uncertain findings, or to provide a more in-depth assessment.

After the examination, the doctor will assess and evaluate the testing results to find a diagnosis and develop a treatment plan. He or she will discuss with you the nature of any visual or eye health problems found and explain available treatment options. In some cases, referral for consultation with, or treatment by, another doctor of optometry or other health care provider may be indicated. If you have questions about any diagnosed eye or vision conditions, or treatment recommendations, don’t hesitate to ask your doctor for more information or explanation. All of these findings exam after exam will also help to track changes in the physical health of the eyes as well as vision changes and in some cases overall health.




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