Why are my eyes watery?


1. Something in your eye- a speck of dirt, dust, an eyelash- your body makes more tears to flush it out. Even stuff that is too small to see, like particles in smoke or chemicals in onions, trigger this reaction.

2. Dry eyes – You might have this problem because your body doesn’t make enough tears, because they dry up too fast, or they don’t have the right balance of water, oils and mucus. Lots of things can cause those issues, from windy days to medical conditions. Whatever the cause your eyes react by making more tears.

3. Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis)-This is a common cause of watery eyes for both children and adults. It can make one or both of the eyes look pink or red and feel itchy and gritty, like there is sand in them. Infections with bacteria or viruses are the most common cause. Viral infections don’t need treatment, but you might need antibiotic eye drops if it is a bacterial infection.

4. Allergies- Watery, itchy eyes often come with a cough, runny nose and other classic allergy symptoms. But it is possible to have eye allergies on their own. Allergy medicines, eye drops and avoiding your triggers- like pollen, mold or pet dander can help while colds can cause watery eyes, too, they won’t make them itch. That is one way to tell colds and allergies apart.

5. Blocked tear duct- Normally, tears flow out of the tear glands above your eye, spread across the surface of your eyeball, and drain into ducts in the corner, but if the ducts get clogged, the tears build up and your eye gets watery. Lots of things can cause the problem, like infection, injuries or age.

6. Eyelid problems- Your eyelids are like windshield wipers, when you blink, they spread tears across your eye and sweep away extra moisture. Sometimes they don’t work quite right, the eyelids and lashes can curve inwards and rub against the eye, a problem called entropion. When they sag outward it is called ectropion, so the lids can’t wipe the whole eye when you blink. Either one can trigger watery eyes. Surgery can be a permanent fix if necessary.

7. Scratch on the eye-Dirt, sand, and contact lenses can scratch the outside of your eyeball, called the cornea. If this happens, your eye may tear up, hurt, look red and be sensitive to light. While these scratches may typically heal in a day or two, it is important to see a doctor if you might have a corneal scratch. You may need treatment to prevent infection.

8. Styes-They can make eyes teary, but other symptoms are more obvious, like a swollen, red, painful lump along the edge of the eyelid. Bacteria are the cause. A styes will probably go away on its own in a few days .In the meantime leave it alone, DON’T TRY TO POP IT– you will spread the infection. A warm compress on your eye may ease the discomfort.

9. Blepharitis-This condition makes your eyelids swell, usually near the eyelashes. Your eyes may sting and be watery and red, itchy, and crusty. There are many causes for this, such as infection, rosacea and allergies. Treatment can help, but blepharitis often comes and goes.

10. Problems with oil glands-Tiny glands on the rim of your eyelids, called Meibomian glands. The Meibomian glands (also called tarsal glands) make oils that keep your eyes healthy by preventing the evaporation of the eye’s tear film and creating a barrier that keeps tears where you need them. If these glands get blocked and don’t make enough oil, eyes get irritated and watery. Warm compresses on the eyes are one way to help the glands function normally again.

11. Other Causes- Various medical conditions can cause watery eyes also, like Bell’s palsy, Sjogrens Syndrome, Chronic sinus infections, Thyroid problems and Rheumatoid Arthritis, so can medical treatments like chemo therapy or radiation. Some excessive tear production is natural in cold or windy environments, watering eye, epophora or tearing is a condition in which there is an overflow of tears onto the face, through the nasolacrimal system often without explanation. A clinical sign or condition that constitutes insufficient tear film drainage from the eyes. If your eyes tear up often and you don’t know why, see your doctor. Treatment could help you feel so much better and see clearly again.



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