Dear Patient,

If you have ever had an exam by me, then I bet you know I like to talk! Explaining how the eye works and all the cool things you can tell about a patient’s health by a thorough eye exam gets me going!

But I bet you didn’t know I taught school before I became an optometrist.

So I decided to put the two together and wrote a power point presentation titled “Eyes Are the Window to Your Health”.

I believe this presentation is enlightening and fun.

I have spoken at many local Rotaries and business and thought this might be beneficial to other businesses and organizations so with this post, I am putting it out there that I am available to speak to local groups or businesses.

The lecture is about 20 minutes long and I usually answer questions for 20 minutes, however this is not written in stone. After going over the parts of the eye, I show how high blood pressure, diabetes and high cholesterol can all be see in the vessels on the retina. I also touch on macular degeneration, stroke, retinal holes and detachments and a few others. This can be modified to fit the occasion.

There is no cost, and the lecture is not about sales, just education. However, in the lecture I mention the Optomap, which many of you know, is a state of the art digital image technology that takes the coolest photos of the back of the eye known as the retina.

I will bring brochures of the Optomap with a voucher for an Optomap test at no cost for someone that is having their first exam at our office.

If this sounds like something you feel would be beneficial for your organization, please show them this post and give my office a call at 412.331.9696.

I look forward to giving this presentation to your friends and co-workers!

Dr. Claudia Wendel



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