First- aid for the eye

Eye injuries can result from sports accidents, foreign objects in the eye, and other causes, leading to symptoms such as pain, swelling, redness, changes in vision, and even flashes of light. Serious injuries can even result in permanent vision loss. Most of these injuries can be prevented by using proper protective gear. When dealing with an eye injury, it’s crucial to treat it seriously. If the injury involves a foreign object like metal or glass, at once call 911 and avoid touching the object. Treatment for eye injuries depends on their type and severity and may even require surgery for serious cases.
For minor eye injuries, the following treatments may be recommended:
– Cold compresses: to reduce swelling and relieve pain
– Eye flushing: to remove chemicals and other irritants with clean water for around 15 minutes
– Eyedrops: which may be prescribed to aid in the healing process
– Eye patch: to allow the eye to rest and heal by covering it

Eye injuries range from mild to severe. Some of the most common eye injuries include:
1. Black eye: A blow to the eye or the tissue around it causes a black eye. The area around the eye is bruised, swollen, and painful. The eyelid may also be cut. The swelling can interfere with vision.
2. Bleeding in the eye: An eye surface hemorrhage (bleeding) can result from straining too hard (such as during a cough) or from trauma to the eye. A subconjunctival hemorrhage happens when the blood appears in the clear skin part of the eye (the conjunctiva) that covers the white part (the sclera). Blood can also pool between the cornea and the iris (the clear transparent part of the eye and the colored part).
3. Burns and irritation: Chemicals, fumes, and other irritants can burn or damage the eye, leading to vision loss.
4. Corneal abrasion: Foreign objects, fingernails, contact lenses, and other items can scratch the cornea. The cornea is the clear transparent area on the front of the eye. Corneal abrasions cause pain, sensitivity to light, and eye-watering.
5. Injury from a foreign object: When something lodges in the eye, vision problems and eye pain can result. The most common foreign objects in the eye include dirt or debris, sawdust, or shattered glass. Contact lenses can cause eye injuries when they stay in the eye too long.
6. Orbital (eye socket) fractures: Trauma or blunt force to the bones surrounding the eye can cause a fracture. Orbital fractures usually happen when an object or fist hits the eye. In an orbital blowout fracture, bones inside the eye socket shatter. The muscles that support the eyes can stretch, tear, or become trapped. Children are especially susceptible to this.
7. Retinal detachment: A detached retina can cause permanent vision loss. It usually results from age-related changes or trauma to the eye. It happens when the retina (thin tissue on the back of the eye) pulls away from the wall of the eye.
When eye injuries do occur never rub the eye.




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