I had so much fun, last
week with glaucoma quiz, and judging by the responses so did all of you, I
think I will write a glaucoma quiz every Monday in January for Glaucoma
Awareness Month, instead of a blog, : )
1) Glaucoma:
A) Can cause blurry vision and blind spots.
Will cause permanent loss of vision if left untreated.
Will make you light sensitive.
D) Will make you like boy bands.
Answer B, unfortunately,
it will cause blindness if left untreated, that’s why it’s so important to find
it in the early stages.
2) Glaucoma:
Makes it difficult to see up close after the age of 40.
May cause double vision.
Causes fatigue and eye strain.
Causes damage to the optic nerve and gets worse over time.
Answer: D, glaucoma
damages the optic nerve and will progress if not treated.
3) Glaucoma:
    A) Is
a recurrent viral infection that may lead to serious vision loss.
    B) Is
a clouding of the cornea due to the degeneration of the corneal endothelium.
Usually causes damage to peripheral vision first.
    D) Is
a type of star gazing.
Answer C,
although, usually, by the time it is noticed, it is too late to save
4) Glaucoma:
Almost always occurs in both eyes.
Can cause ED.
C) Causes the dreaded curly haired syndrome.
Causes your eye to be stuck shut in the mornings.
Answer A, If caused by
an accident or injury, it may be only in one eye (also called secondary
glaucoma), otherwise true glaucoma (primary glaucoma) occurs in both eyes.
5) Glaucoma is:
A) The eye of a storm.
B) More common now, because of the NHL lockout.
C) Commonly treated with Rx eye drops by an optometrist or an ophthalmologist.
D)  Nominated for best picture.
Answer C, occasionally
glaucoma, needs to be treated with laser, but for the most part, it is
initially treated with Rx eye drops.


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