Why is it Important to Get an Optomap Retinal Exam


Let’s start with what it is. Optomap is a patient-friendly device and software package that captures a digital ultra-widefield image of the retina. The image is a high-resolution image of the retina in a 200-degree field of view or 82% of the eye. Optos is safe, non-invasive, and not destructive to tissue.

More than 2,000 published and ongoing clinical trials as well as thousands of case studies and testimonials show the long-term value of optomap imaging in diagnosis and treatment planning.

So why is it important?

When you go to the dentist do you get annual x-rays so your dentist can look for unrecognized problems? Yes, sure you do. This is the same premise, optos gives your optometrist a tool to see a wider range view of your eye. At the present time, it offers a baseline image the first time you get an optomap retinal scan. With these detailed digital images, comparisons can be made from year to year.

It allows your doctor to detect underlying eye disease early and monitor the treatment progress for existing ocular disease. These images may catch early systemic diseases in the smaller vessels of the eyes. This device allows for an evaluation of your retina for problems such as:
• Macular degeneration
• Retinal holes
• Retinal detachments
• Hypertension
• Diabetic retinopathy
• Glaucoma
• Optomap can distinguish eye freckles from malignant melanomas of the retina.
• High Blood Pressure
• Heart disease

These conditions sometimes can be present without any other signs or symptoms.

Optomap retinal exam is not covered by insurance unless deemed a medical necessity. The fee that is charged for this exam that could save your sight or possibly your life is quite reasonable. If something is found during an Optomap Retinal Exam and becomes medically necessary, it may be covered by your medical insurance or reimbursement.

Feel free to discuss this option with us. Call to schedule your exam today at 412.331.9696.




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