Aspirin and Macular Degeneration

Macular degeneration is
a leading cause of blindness in older adults. The wet form accounts for only
for only about 10-15% of cases but it progresses more rapidly and is more
likely to lead to vision loss than the dry form.

In wet macular degeneration, tiny new blood vessels grow under the retina, the
light -sensing part of the eye. These blood vessels break open and leak,
causing scar tissue to form. Over time, the scar tissue clouds central vision.

News that aspirin may be linked to macular degeneration surfaced last year when
a large European study found that regular aspirin users were more likely to
develop the sight threatening disease. Before that two large studies found no
association between aspirin and macular degeneration. And another study has
even suggested that aspirin might protect against the disease.

The study doesn’t prove that aspirin causes macular degeneration. Many
researchers and independent experts agree that no one should stop taking
aspirin if they are taking it under a physicians care.

The risk of getting macular degeneration after years of aspirin use was still
relatively slight. Anyone who is taking aspirin and is of the age where they could
be at risk should have regular dilated fundus exams.

Thanks to the Center for Vision Research at the University of Sidney in



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