Eye Can Name That Tune

Can you match the song title to the artist? 1. Blue eyes.2. I only have eyes for you.3. The night has 1000 eyes.4. Bright Eyes.5. Eyes without a face.6. Green-eyed…
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Kidney Health Through Eye Scans

Optometrists can greatly contribute to not only ocular but overall wellness of patients. In some of my past blogs, I discussed that retinal vascular findings may reflect cardiovascular problems through…
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Menopause and the Eyes

Many of us know the symptoms, whether it is from personal experience or knowing someone experiencing menopause. Menopause happens because your hormone levels drop, and you stop ovulating and having…
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Can Anemia Impact the Eyes

Anemia is a condition in which the blood doesn’t have enough healthy red blood cells. This leads to reduced oxygen to the body’s organs including the eyes. Anemia can affect…
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National Opticians Month

January is National Opticians Month. It was developed to help educate consumers about the importance of an optician on their eyecare team, and the role they play. Opticians receive specialized…
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Types of Eye Tests

Eye tests are one of the main parts of an examination. There are several tests included in a comprehensive eye exam. Each one evaluates different aspects of vision and eye…
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