Even Big Boys Get Pink Eye

The headlines in the USA Today sports section said the
“Milwaukee Brewers ban high fives after outbreak of pink eye.”
“The Milwaukee Brewers will have to find a new way to
celebrate for the next few spring training games. The team has banned high
fives to avoid the spread of pink eye.” 
the paper said.
As the players are diagnosed, they are sent home for 48
hours in hopes of stopping the spread of the highly contagious disease. Also
helpful would be frequently washing their hands and using hand sanitizer when
soap and water are not available.
There are many different types of pink eye, but some of the
most easily spread are bacterial and are treated with warm compresses and
antibiotic eye drops.
However, even with the best of precautions, it still can

“We’ve been going through it for a while and it seems
like a couple more show up every day,” manager Ron Roenicke said.


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