Olympic Athletes Protect Their Eyes

Good vision is critical
for nearly every sport. Olympians protect and maintain their vision during
their training and performance with an array of protective eyewear.
It’s hard to believe,
but swimmers were not allowed to use goggles until the 1976 Olympics. Now,
every Olympic swimmer uses them to help see under water while swimming at high
speeds. Importantly, goggles also protect Olympians’ eyes from chlorine and other
harmful chemicals found in pool water. Renowned gold medalist Michael Phelps
prefers polarized goggles to enhance his vision when he swims.
The sport with the most
eye injuries is basketball. One way Olympic basketball players protect their
eyes from injuries is by wearing protective eyewear (Rec-Specs). Basketball
goggles have lenses made from polycarbonate materials to prevent injury during
a game.
Snow goggles protect
your eyes from the sun, wind and UV exposure, which is at its worst
in the snow because the sun’s reflection on snow is brighter and more
intense. At high altitudes, the air is thinner and filters less UV rays.
Goggles also protect the eyes from foreign objects such as ice particles,
twigs and branches, especially when descending fast.
Ski goggles and
snowboard goggles offer basically the same function and protection, the
differences are mainly cosmetic.
USA   USA    USA   USA!!!!!!!!!!!!


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